自身のユニットの活動やGLAY TAKURO サポートを始め、ライブ、セッション、レコーディングなど、ジャンルを問わず多方面で活躍中。トップミュージシャン達から絶大な支持を受ける。
Bassist / Composer, Arranger
Born in 12.23 / Born in Japan
A bassist who has been attracting attention for Mana’s style of playing mainly on the 5-string bass, but also using wood bass and synth bass, as well as Mana’s solid technique. Mana is active in a variety of genres, including live performances, sessions, and recordings, as well as Mana’s own unit and support for GLAY TAKURO. Mana has received tremendous support from top musicians.
In addition to performing, Mana is also active as a composer and arranger, working on a wide range of projects including commercial music and show music for Sanrio Puroland. Mana is also actively involved in Mana’s own artistic activities, and has released three original albums to date, which have been well received.